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Hey Everyone! A few lines about myself. I'm an Italian American from Boston Mass. with a Bachelor's degree from UMASS. I am extremely passionate in health and fitness and have been in the industry for over 20 years. I also enjoy music, sports, fashion, acting while continuing on growing a strong spiritual foundation. This blog was created to share some of my passions and experiences with you.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Top 10 Antioxidant Rich Foods

Are you aware of how harmful oxidants can do to our body, especially our brains? Are you familiar with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Diabetes? Well, these are just some of the diseases associated by the invasion of oxidants within our body.
As our world is messed up with many different kinds of hazards, as technology increases, our environment becomes more polluted. There a lot of harmful elements that can put our lives to risks. One of these pollutants is an oxidant. Most of us are not really aware how oxidants harm our body, especially our tissues and cellular components. These harmful chemicals may result in different diseases and damages in our body. Some of these negative effects are more severe complications of diabetes. It may even lead to degeneration and deterioration of our brain cells, which cause diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and many brain diseases related to proper brain functions. It also affects our normal heart beats, which causes arrhythmia or the disease of abnormal heart impulses that may result to some heart failures and too much of it may cause strokes to sufferers. These are just some of the great hazardous effects that oxidants could cause to our body. We cannot avoid capturing oxidants from our environment. So, for us to be able to fight the negative effects it is very much needed to eat the right foods that are rich in antioxidants to prevent cancer and many other diseases.
Lately, we have read and heard so much about how antioxidants work inside our body. These are greatly associated in obtaining good health and in keeping our body’s defense mechanism in fighting diseases.
Antioxidants are substances that prevent the damages on our body cells caused by oxidation. These substances can also repair the damaged cells.
If you want an example how oxidation works, here’s how. For sure, you have seen an apple cut and for just a few minutes, it suddenly turned brown. This example, I think, is the best way to describe how oxidation works. For a human being, oxidation is one of the causes of aging.
Oxidation can really bring lots of negative effects on our body that’s why we need antioxidants to fight it. You may ask how we can get more antioxidants to protect our body from these tremendous results of oxidation. Well, the best answer to that would be to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Small red beans
Small red beans

Here are the Top 10 Foods Rich in Antioxidants

1. Small Red Bean
Small red bean is the first in the ranking of the top 10 foods that are rich in antioxidants. This is like to the kidney bean, but, the size is just smaller. For a half cup serving, you can get a capacity of 13,727 antioxidants.
Wild berry
Wild berry

2. Wild Berry

Wild berry is one of the three berries popular in North America. This fruit has grown in nature for many centuries. This not planted because it grows naturally by spreading their rhizomes, which develop into new roots and stem. You can get 13, 427 antioxidants for every cup.
red kidney beans
red kidney beans

3. Red Kidney Bean (Dried)

This is sometimes called “the chili bean” because of its dark red skin. This is called kidney bean because of its appearance that’s similar to kidney. It contains 13, 259 capacity of antioxidants per half cup of serving.
Pinto beans
Pinto beans

4. Pinto bean

This is one of the common types of beans named for its mottled skin like the pinto horse. This is the fourth placer among the top 10 foods that are loaded with antioxidants. In fact, you can get 11, 864 antioxidants for just half cup of serving.

5. Blueberry

Blueberry ranks the fifth among the antioxidants rich foods. This is one of the common berries available in the market. In every cup, you can have 9,019 antioxidants.

6. Cranberry

Another type of berry described as low, creeping shrubs with slender and wiry stems. The fruit at first is white but turns into red when it’s fully grown. You can get 8,983 antioxidants for every cup serving.

7. Artichoke

This is usually prepared for cooking. This is also used as the primary flavor of some Italian liquor. It contains 7, 904 antioxidants for every cup served.

8. Blackberry

Another food rich in antioxidants is the blackberry. For every cup served, you can have 7, 701 capacity of antioxidants. This fruit is also one of the types of berries, which are common to most of us.

9. Prune

Prune is a dried version of plum. This is included in the top 10 food rich in antioxidants since it can give us 7, 291 antioxidants for a half cup of serving.

10. Raspberry

Another type of berry that is very much common to us. This can give us 6, 058 antioxidants per cup of serving.

Included in the top 20 foods rich in antioxidants according to USDA study are:

11. Strawberry (5,938 antioxidants per cup)
12. Red Apple (5,900 antioxidants)
13. Granny Smith Apple (5,381 antioxidants)
14. Pecan (5,095 antioxidants per ounce)
15. Sweet Cherry (4, 844 antioxidants per cup)
16. Black Plum (4,844 antioxidants)
17. Russett Potato (4,649 antioxidants)
18. Black beans (4,181 antioxidants per half cup)
19. Plum (4118 antioxidants)
20. Gala Apple (3,903 antioxidants)

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