About Me

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Hey Everyone! A few lines about myself. I'm an Italian American from Boston Mass. with a Bachelor's degree from UMASS. I am extremely passionate in health and fitness and have been in the industry for over 20 years. I also enjoy music, sports, fashion, acting while continuing on growing a strong spiritual foundation. This blog was created to share some of my passions and experiences with you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

EMF and EMR Protection

Hey All,
    With all the satellites, cell phones, computers, TVs, electronic devices to the wiring in our homes and work places we are bombarded by these Electro magnetic frequencies. There are numerous side effects from these frequencies. To give you all a better understanding of what I am talking about I have provided a link that talk's about what exactly are EMR's and EMF's and also a link to show products that will help reduce and reflect these harmful frequencies. 


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